On this edition of ST, we speak by phone with Deborah Rhode, the Director of the Center on the Legal Profession and the E.W. McFarland Professor of Law at Stanford Law School. Prof. Rhode will give the free-to-the-public Buck Colbert Franklin Memorial Civil Rights Lecture on Thursday of this week (the 13th) at 6pm in the John Rogers Hall on the University of Tulsa campus. (There will be a pre-lecture reception at 5:30pm in the mezzanine of John Rogers Hall; you'll find more details about this event here.) Prof. Rhode has long been seen as one of America's leading scholars in the fields of legal ethics and gender, law, and public policy; she's also written more than 20 books, among them "The Beauty Bias," "Women and Leadership," and "Moral Leadership." Her upcoming lecture here at the TU College of Law will be on "Diversity and Gender Equity in the Profession."