We speak with Susan Cain, who ignited a national conversation a few years ago with her widely celebrated nonfiction book, "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking." This book challenged how we see introverts -- and how introverts see themselves -- and was mainly focused on the workplace. But now, as we learn on today's ST, Cain is back with a new book, which is aimed at kids and their experiences in the classroom. Cain tells us about this insightful new book, which is called "Quiet Power: The Secret Strengths of Introverts." As was noted of this volume in School Library Journal: "Cain is well-known for her adult book and TED Talk on the contributions that introverts have made to society in a world that seems powered by extroverts. In this edition, she addresses the challenges that young introverts face. Unfortunately for introverts, who make up one-third to half the population, those who often seem to thrive most in school or public situations are the extroverts. Cain believes that introverts, like her, can learn to use their 'superpowers' (namely: listening, deep thinking, and focusing on the self) to flourish. The book is divided into chapters based on school, socializing, hobbies, and home, with firsthand accounts of introverted teens and examples of famous figures (e.g., Beyoncé, Albert Einstein) who have found success outside of their initial comfort zones. Included are strategies and tips on how introverts can overcome situations that prove difficult for them (preparing notes to enter class discussions, establishing a time limit for social outings, setting up a personal sanctuary). Humorous drawings throughout the text add a whimsical and light touch perfect for the intended audience. This highly accessible volume gives a voice to a group of people who are often made to feel unappreciated."