Science Matters
Radio On-Demand Exclusive
“Any sufficiently advanced technology,” as Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Is indistinguishable from magic.” But the real magic in the world of science and technology comes from understanding it. Join University of Tulsa professors Jerry McCoy and John Henshaw on a magical mystery tour of scientific knowledge. They’ll entertain you and raise your science IQ all at the same time. Ready? Earbuds in; amazement on; listen.
Did you know that your smartphone helps prove Einstein's theory of relativity? It's true, although we're pretty sure Albert never imagined that his…
What can weigh more than 25 lb, measures about 2 ft, beats at twice the rate and has double the blood pressure of a human heart? Despite a popular myth,…
You'd think it would be a simple matter to generate electrical power and bring it into your home. Turns out that in the late 1880s, there was a War of the…
It's a miracle: a small flap of skin about the size of a dime or a quarter can produce sound which will fill a room when modulated by vocal folds and our…
We all have a sense of what's hot and what's cold and are able to translate that feeling to some thermometer number. But how did those numbers come about?…
The placebo effect must be one of the strangest things to influence both man and beast. The fact that it can work, even though the person receiving the…
What do the French Revolution, the dollar bill, and the metric system have in common? A lot, it turns out, as revealed by our intrepid science explorers,…
Got your ticket for an interstellar vacation? That trip might be your last, depending on the destination. It turns out that there are very few places in…
How many scientists does it take to change light bulb behavior? Two plus a spouse. Follow along as professors Henshaw and McCoy explore the topic of how…