On this edition of StudioTulsa, we speak with two staff members at the Laureate Institute for Brain Research (LIBR): Martin Paulus is Scientific Director and President of the facility, and Florence Breslin is its Psychiatric Research Coordinator. Both tells us about a truly groundbreaking new brain-development study that LIBR is participating in. As is noted of this study at the LIBR website: "As one of 19 institutions selected nationwide to receive the prestigious Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), LIBR welcomes the opportunity to take part in a landmark longitudinal study of adolescent brain development at our facilities in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study will be the largest of its kind to date, enrolling 10,000 children and following them from age 9-10 into early adulthood. Beginning at this age is important, as it is a period of development critical to an individual's life trajectory. The project makes use of scientific and technological advances in brain imaging that allow investigators to measure brain maturation in the context of social, emotional, and cognitive development. Our investigators will look at multiple health outcomes including weight, growth, sleep quality, injury, mental health, and substance use, and other life experiences such as academic success, sports, and other physical activity, and driving a car. Findings from ABCD are expected to increase the ability to distinguish environmental, socio-cultural, and genetic factors relevant to brain and cognitive development, in order to inform prevention, treatment intervention, and public health strategies." You can learn more about this exciting new study -- which will employ some 600 kids from the Greater Tulsa area -- by calling 918.502.5100, or by e-mailing info@laureateinstitute.org.