On this installment of StudioTulsa, we speak by phone with A. Scott Berg, whose bestselling, highly regarded biographies include "Max Perkins: Editor of Genius" (winner of the National Book Award), "Goldwyn," "Lindbergh" (winner of the Pulitzer Prize), and "Kate Remembered." Berg's newest book is a life of America's 28th President, Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) --- it's titled simply "Wilson" --- which the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram has called: "A work of spectacular artistry and objective workmanship.... [This book] should be required reading for any course of study that examines American history after 1865.... Berg's illumination of the president’s humanity is riveting.... [A] treasure." And further, as a critic for USA Today noted of this volume, in a four-stars-out-of-four review: "Berg's new 800-page biography...spares no detail. It takes a certain quixotic passion to give us Wilson...with such thorough fact-sifting that we emerge, stunned.... 'Wilson' is [Berg's] most ambitious if least sexy undertaking, scripturally dense, a codex that richly explains Wilson's policy revolution while establishing the man's full humanity, his flaws and failings.... Berg mines the record in all its complexity and tragedy." Berg will appear at a Book Smart Tulsa reading/signing this coming Saturday night (the 5th) at 7:30pm at the Charles Schusterman Jewish Community Center on East 71st Street in Tulsa; more info can be accessed at the Book Smart Tulsa website.
A. Scott Berg, the Widely Accalimed Historian and Biographer, Offers a Life of Woodrow Wilson