On this installment of our show, an interesting discussion with someone who's made a successful career of combining --- of all things --- music and geology. TU's Department of Geosciences has invited Dr. Jeffrey Nytch to appear at a few different on-campus events this week; Dr. Nytch, who will speak to music as well as geology students, is an assistant professor at the University of Colorado of Boulder, where he's also the director of that university's Entrepreneurship Center for Music. Thus he'll be speaking today (Wednesday the 5th) at noon at the University of Tulsa's Keplinger Hall. This address is free to the public, and it's being offered as part of TU's Geosciences Seminar Series. Dr. Nytch will mainly talk about (and play portions of) his four-movement composition, "Symphony No. 1: Formations," which was inspired by the geology of the Rocky Mountains and co-commissioned by the Geological Society of America and the Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra. As we learn on today's ST, Dr. Nytch (who earned a degree in geology as an undergraduate) enjoys a multi-faceted musical career as a composer, teacher, performer, and arts administrator --- indeed, much of his passion as an educator concerns helping music students become not only professional musicians but also capable, driven, and music-minded entrepreneurs. You'll learn more about Dr. Nytch's appearance on the TU campus at this link.
A Chat with Composer Jeffrey Nytch, Whose First Symphony Was Inspired by the Geology of the Rockies